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The Dished Loyalty club

Earn Money Off Future Orders

By joining our loyalty program, you'll receive points each time you purchase from our pre-order menu online. Points can be redeemed for money off your next order.

How It Works

For every $1 you spend on our pre-order menu, you'll receive 5 points. When you accrue 1,000 points, you can redeem them for a $5 off digital discount code.

Step One

Create a Dished account by clicking the person-shaped button on the top right-hand corner of our homepage.

Step Two

Select the "Rewards" button on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen; sign in using your Dished account information.

Step Three

When signed into your account, points automatically accrue when you purchase off our pre-order menu.

Step Four

Click the "Rewards" button to view your points balance; select "redeem" to receive your $5 discount code when you accrue 1,000 points.

Q&A | Loyalty Club

Have more questions? Email us at!

Start Earning Points

Check out our weekly pre-order menu! If you don't see any meals, our current menu is closed. Please check back on Friday!